4 Local Women Share How They Practice Self Care


Sharese Braziel-Jackson


1. What is your go-to self-care activity?

My go to self care would be going to workout, whether it’s going to the gym or working out at home. That’s how I get my me time in. Another of my go to self care options that I think people really underestimate is going for walks. It’s something so simple that you can do it anywhere. Sometimes going for a simple walk outside in the fresh air can completely change your whole mood. So I’m definitely an advocate for a good walk.

2. Tip for incorporating more self care/wellness into your everyday life.

A tip I would give to anyone trying to incorporate wellness into their everyday life would be to make it a priority. If it’s not a priority to you then it won’t be to anyone else. So for me, I always plan in my day when I’m going to workout because I know that it’s something that is important to me. The way my life is right now working out in the morning works for me because lately I haven’t really known what my evenings would be like. Once my workout is done, I don’t really worry about what else may come up in my day because I know I at least took care of myself at some point that day and now I can go home and be mom or whatever else I may need to do.


Lanora Henderson-Henry

1. What is your go to self care activity?

My favorite go-to self care activity is to “MOVE”. Getting up and moving releases endorphins and helps relieve stress. It allows us to take a break from everyday challenges and responsibilities. Moving also helps emotions move through our bodies, plus it provides an outlet for self expression. Increasing your physical activity at any age can help lower your risk factors for serious health conditions. Even something as simple as a daily walk around the block or a quick fifteen-minute exercise routine can help you live healthy for years.

2. Tip for incorporating more self care/wellness into your everyday life.

Here are some great tips for incorporating self care/wellness into our everyday lives. 1st try find time you yourself and If you can’t make it to an actual exercise class. If you can’t, you can simply:

* Park a little farther than your destination so you walk farther. * Take the stairs instead of an elevator.

* Take a short walk on your lunch break.


DR. Tameka Duncan PT, DPT


1. What is your go to self care activity?

My go to self-care activity is working out. I enjoy lifting weights. Working out allows me the opportunity to commune with myself, as I frequently train with my headphones on tuning out the outside world. I prefer to workout first thing in the morning as it helps to set the tone for my day and it allows me the ability to tap into the mental focus and discipline needed to manage my busy days.

2. Tip for incorporating more self care/wellness into your everyday life.

Be intentional about prioritizing your “me” time! I encourage individuals to find a task or an activity that they enjoy, set a day and a time to routinely pencil themselves in on their schedule, and stick to it as if you would an important meeting with your supervisor, etc. As you incorporate more self care/wellness into your daily life, you begin to anticipate that time where you are able to gather your thoughts, ideas, self reflect, and decompress.

Mercedes Magras Gillespie

1. What is your go-to self-care activity?

My go to self care activity is starting out the day with prayer a good breakfast. Then exercising and following up with dancing. It makes me feel alive and happy.

2. Tip for incorporating more self care/wellness into your everyday life.

My tip for adding more self care and wellness to our daily life is planning ahead. Make sure you schedule a time everyday for something you love, something to help you grow, and exercise. Make self care a priority in your life so you can succeed in all areas of your life. Schedule Designate time (set alarms) Make a commitment to yourself and be consistent


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