Check Out What’s Up Next for Black Clarksville

  • Two Mile Tuesday

    March 25 | 6:00 PM | Liberty Park

    Two Mile Tuesday is a health and wellness initiative aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles in the Clarksville community. We meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month in Liberty Park at the pavilion closest to the dog park.

    Walk, run, stroll at your own pace. .

  • Black Clarksville Business Group Meet-Up

    Black entrepreneurs in Clarksville—this one’s for you!

    Wednesday, April 2, 2025
    The Press
    Time: 8 AM
    FREE & open to all business owners

    This month, we’re covering Creating Your Business Binder & Business Basics
    Get the foundational documents every TN business needs
    Learn how to organize your paperwork for funding & contracts
    Understand what it takes to keep your business legit & ready to grow
    Connect with other Black entrepreneurs who are building in Clarksville

    Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for years, this is the space for you.

    At the end, we’ll share how Black Clarksville Business Group membership can help you access even more resources, referrals, and exclusive trainings. But for now—just pull up and get the knowledge!

  • Quarterly Town Hall Meeting

    April 3 | 5:30-7:00 PM | Montgomery County Library Large Meeting Room

    The purpose of these meetings are to
    - Align on community initiatives
    - Learn about the work organizations are doing
    - Help find and support solutions to community issues
    - Assess and quantify the needs of our communities

    Speakers include Rep. Ronnie Glynn and Monica Meeks.

  • April Networking Mixer

    April 16 | 5:30-7:30 PM | TBD

    clock out and tap in with us for our monthly Black Clarksville Networking Mixer. This month we’re hosted by Corner to Corner

    ✅Free entry

    ✅Appetizers and refreshments will be provided

    This is a great opportunity to connect with new people, grow your community, and share about your business/organization.

    Don’t forget to bring a friend.